New Year Reflections




Dear Reader,

Bible Blackboard welcomes you in the name of our Lord Jesus to the very first entry of this blog for our church website. I can imagine that you may be wondering why we are starting a whole new thing like this on the website. To be very honest, personally, the thought has been in my mind for a couple of years now to let the world know of this awesome Christ that we serve through a humble, yet powerful platform, while at the same time encouraging, strengthening, and holding close our fellow believers in Christ with the Word. Ever since I have experienced the “joy of my salvation,” like every fellow Christian who has ever truly realized this way of life, I have wanted to shout to the whole world about the humbling knowledge of the “heavenly things” that has forever changed my attitude toward everything I know in this world. As Christians we want the world to meet Jesus, to know Him, and to “taste and see” that this Lord is INDEED good, just as we did. However, while the good intention was continually budding, I now realize that I had never had the courage, the right drive, nor the true heavenly urgency from the Holy Spirit for it. I know now that I was definitely not prepared for such a high calling at that time even though I felt a deep passion toward it. We are a group of people that believes that God does everything in the APPOINTED, right time. And since the door has finally opened up for me, I’m blindly jumping in with full trust and relenting all control to our Creator and Sustainer. Therefore, I am asking you to join hands with me as we take a giant leap of faith into the deep waters to where Jesus is calling us, praying for the complete and utter guidance of the Holy Spirit, and expecting the best from the good Father in Heaven, while trusting him to do the rest entirely as He wills.


Our Prayer


Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for this opportunity that You have given us to start this new blog in the BCF website. Along the way, Lord we pray that the Writer, not of own will, but through the guidance of the Holy Spirit glorify Your name by proclaiming only what has been revealed from Heaven, confirming scripture, and by living the Word out as is spoken. We pray that the Reader, forgetting the hasty pursuits of the world for a few moments, would with integrity, humility and zeal for the Lord, undo their “self” as they focus completely on the gracious personhood of Christ, to become like Him in walk, talk, thought, attitude and character. We pray ultimately, that the identity of a child of God reflects on us all and that, as we study together, we allow gracious time and space for the Holy Spirit to work in us and transform us. We relinquish all authority, control and willpower to You, Lord as we seek your grace and presence to be with this small ministry. Let what is done here in this corner of the website be a sweet aroma to You and let it be the reason for many pleasing fruits in the Spirit at Bethel Christian Fellowship. We earnestly pray that You break us, mold us and make us. Shape us according to Your will, each as individually purposeful vessels. Let Your Word be rooted firmly deep into our innermost Man and let us not turn to the left or to the right from Your will. We give You all glory, honor and control. I pray all this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen. 

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